Since the dawn of history, we have sought to understand our existence through creationist fables of omnipotent deities and mythical creatures. Jesse Moynihan takes these fifty thousand years of socio-religious postulation and throws them in the blender to create one epic—and irreverent—battle royal between alien gods, ancient Greek titans, interplanetary assassin droids, and humanity itself. An eon-spanning comedy, Forming details the spawning of worlds and the trajectory of consciousness on Earth. The first in a trilogy of books, Nobrow collects the first volume of Moynihan's acclaimed webcomic in a specially designed graphic novel with a foil debossed cloth spine.
Jesse Moynihan was born just outside Philadelphia, USA. He studied Film at Temple University. His work has been featured in The Believer, MOME, Vice, Arthur, the Philadelphia Weekly, and various independent anthologies. His first book with Nobrow, Forming I, sold with〜
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